Sunday, December 9, 2007


I was thinking of my long list of friendships over the years and realised how temporary it is.
I can think back to at least 3 ''best'' friends I have had and who have now been reduced to just friends or even worse... acquaintances.
Its so sad that it really makes me wanna cry sometimes, i mean you get so close to someone, or you think your close to them, and then the great test comes along... distance. Its like you spend years building it up and then the great challenge comes along and years work is destroyed in weeks.
It is positively disheartening.
Another aspect of it is: sharing.
I have heard a relationship between two people i know called: ''hi-bye friends who know a lot about each other''
I occasionally wonder if nearly all my friendships have been that, and i guess that fact that so many have drifted away just proves it.
I guess throughout our whole life we are lucky if we get even one friendship that carries over to adulthood, if you have that consider yourself blessed, and blessed mightily.
I am talking about the kind of friendship that needs no addition, a friendship that is as complete as necessary and that everything added only makes it better. It has been build, it has been constructed on solid rock and all addition does it make it more beautiful. The kind of friendship where silence is enough and each others company plenty. In other words the rarest kind.
I sometimes wonder if i will ever have one of these, but I think that maybe I am on the way to one, I have found a friend who i feel i can confide in and who I can talk to about everything and nothing. But even then i feel as if i can see the goal on the horizon, the goal being a true friendship build on sapphire fiber (is that correct? or would the tensile strength not be applicable to that).
But sometimes i despair, I look at my friendships, and i think what do i really know about ''so-and-so,'' what do i understand about his inner being, how can me being his friend help him, and how can I better his life. Do I really understand him, do I know how he thinks? Now this might be a bit much, but all the situations i have mentioned above all relate to only very close friends, i realise that with not so close friends all this is not necessary.
I dont see the point of making ''best friends'' or ''close friends'' if you do not have at least one of these goals in your mind, then you are not striving for the best that relationship can offer, you are not reaching for the top, you are just happy with whatever the name and title of 'best friend' brings.
This is ok for those of you who desire nothing more, but for those who desire more, heed my advice. A true friendship can provide you with help, support, fun, a shoulder to cry on, memories, love (in the proper context), a deeper understanding of humanity, and a chance to exercise the qualities that separate human beings from the animals.
Ill end with this quote
''Its the friends you can call up at four a.m. that matter.''
Marlene Dietrich

Anyway I have rambled on for long enough,
Lewi4 out


Samuel said...

Built on? Hmmmm....

A house of concrete was built on quicksand and, well, sank.

I think the term you're looking for would be "built like sapphire fiber."



Lewis said...

lol i left the sappire fiber there just for u, knew ur the only one who would get it